Mardela Middle High Student Handbook 2023-2024

7 HONOR PLEDGE: I have neither given nor received help on this assignment. Teachers need to be able to assess students to ensure that they will graduate College and Career Ready. When a student turns in work that is not their own, the process of monitoring students’ preparedness is undermined. At Mardela, cheating includes but is not limited to: • copying or paraphrasing all or part of someone else’s work • allowing others to copy or paraphrase your work. • working together without teacher approval. • using unauthorized electronic devices during an assessment. • copying from the Internet or other sources without crediting the source. • attempting to communicate or receive information during an assessment. • looking at someone else’s test, quiz or exam while testing. • asking or paying someone to complete work for you. • giving or selling work to someone to submit as their own work. • cheat sheets on paper, your person, etc. • misrepresenting/falsifying data or obtaining/looking at a test before it’s given. Disciplinary Action for Academic Dishonesty • The teacher involved will confront the student with evidence of suspected cheating and give the student an opportunity to offer an explanation. • If the explanation is unsatisfactory in the teacher’s judgement, the student will be referred to the office for cheating. • Cheating referrals to the office will be investigated and, if the administrator concurs with the teacher’s findings, the student will receive a grade of zero for the work presented and a parent conference will be required. • Subsequent incidents of cheating will result in further disciplinary consequences. Academic Reporting Homework Homework is necessary if you are to get the most out of your classwork. It is a good idea to review work covered for that day in each class and to check carefully to see that your assigned work for the next day is complete. Absences – Make-Up Homework Short-term Absence - (five days or less) Any student absent for any reason will have the privilege of making up work for credit. The makeup procedure for short-term absence will require the following: • Go into your Google Classroom (GC) and review any missed work. • Via GC, teachers are responsible for providing make-up work for students who are absent. • Students will be given the number of days equal to the number of days absent to turn in completed make-up work.