Mardela Middle High Student Handbook 2023-2024

8 Long-term Absence (six days or more) The make-up procedure for long-term absence will require the following: • The student should enter Google Classroom (GC) to complete necessary work. • Via GC, teachers are responsible for providing make-up work for students who are absent. • A reasonable timeline for the completion of the work will be established. Progress Reports and Report Cards Directions on how to access Family Portal will be shared by Mrs. Hastings. Progress Reports • The progress report is designed to let you know how your child is progressing in their current classes. • Progress reports are issued midway in the marking period and are distributed to all students. Report Cards Report Cards provide the student and their parents with an account of academic school progress. Each student has access to their report card through the Family Portal X2 at, four times per year one week after the end of each nine-week marking period. The report card gives a grade in every subject that the student is currently enrolled in every nine weeks. Behavioral Expectations Student Conduct Students are to always conduct themselves in a responsible manner and obey the rules and policies of the school and Wicomico County as described in this handbook. Specific values have been identified through community consensus to be included in instruction in Wicomico County. Students are encouraged to grow in their academic, social, and personal lives through the following 10 values: 1) COMPASSION - understanding of and sensitivity to others. 2) COURTESY - respectful attitude and willingness to accept a share of the work. 3) FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND ACTION - accepting different views. 4) HONESTY - being trustworthy and avoiding cheating in any form. 5) RESPECT FOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS - refraining from ridiculing, threatening, accusing and spreading rumors about others, including respecting others' property. 6) RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP - accepting the responsibilities inherent in a democratic society. 7) RESPONSIBILITY - exercising the ability to make moral and rational decisions even if different from those of my peers. 8) SELF-RESPECT - striving to develop my potential. 9) TOLERANCE - respecting others' rights to choose ways to dress, hairstyle and family mode of living. Hallway Rules Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. “Hanging out” in the hallways is never permitted. The change of class time should be used to get to your next class. Always walk to the right and do not loiter. Go directly to class. Students who fail to give their name to the questioning adult will face disciplinary action.