Wicomico Middle Handbook 2023-2024 Final

2023 – 2024 WICOMICO MIDDLE SCHOOL www.wcboe.org Jo Branham PRINCIPAL Kenneth Popp ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL LaTonya Wilson ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Bobby Smith & Babe Willson DEAN OF STUDENTS 635 EAST MAIN STREET SALISBURY, MD 21804 MAIN OFFICE: 410-677-5145 GUIDANCE OFFICE: 410-677-5194 The mission of Wicomico Middle School is to provide, within a safe environment, a strong educational foundation for all our students, nurture them through their transitional years, and encourage them to become responsible and productive citizens. This agenda belongs to: Name Address City/Town State Zip Code Phone Student I.D. Number Team Teacher

GREETINGS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Welcome to Wicomico Middle School! Our faculty is excited to welcome our incoming 6th grade students as well as our returning 7th and 8th grade students. We look forward to working with you in the 23-24 school year. We expect students to be their best every day. Our faculty is committed to bringing their best and are committed to providing rigorous and engaging lessons. We are here to support you in your middle school journey. We will adhere to the county Code of Conduct for all disciplinary actions. Remember to “Be Your Best” in everything you do, and you will have a successful year. Respectfully, Principal Branham STATEMENT IN REGARD TO BOARD OF EDUCATION'S POLICIES / STUDENT HANDBOOKS WHEREAS, many of the schools within Wicomico County establish their own Student Handbook in an effort to familiarize students with the expectations of that school's administration; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Wicomico County has established many rules, policies, codes of conduct and other regulatory procedures for the purposes of defining the expectation of the Board of Education regarding student conduct, discipline and other matters setting forth the expectation of the Board toward its students. All students in Wicomico County are advised that the Student Handbooks distributed by each school are not the sole or exclusive rules, policies, or regulations regarding student conduct. They supplement and are subordinate to the policies, rules of conduct, disciplinary rules, suspension rules, attendance rules and all other rules and regulations which are established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, which are available in each school library and the Wicomico County Board of Education, and which policies and rules each student is expected to know and abide by. To the extent that there is any conflict between the policies, rules, and regulations, etc. of the Wicomico County Board of Education and that of an individual school or school handbook, the policies, regulations and procedures of the Wicomico County Board of Education shall prevail. ATTENDANCE If you are absent, regardless of the length of time, you must account for your absence by bringing a note signed by your parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence. This note should be given to your first period teacher who will forward the note to the office. Wicomico County policy states parents or guardian can write 5 notes throughout the year. All absences will be considered unexcused without appropriate, approved documentation per the Wicomico County Attendance Policy. If you have a doctor, dental or other professional appointment, you will be called to the main office when your parent/guardian arrives at the school to pick you up for the appointment. When you return to school, you must have a note from the doctor, dentist or parent/guardian verifying that you had been to the appointment. Absence from school without your parent/guardian’s consent (truancy) is not acceptable. Truancy is unexcused; therefore, disciplinary actions will follow as stated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY You must understand that cheating is not permitted. If you are found cheating, you will receive a zero on that work. Disciplinary action will be consistent with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. AFTERSCHOOL STUDY PROGRAM We invite you to participate in the afterschool study (tutoring) program, which will help you improve your grades. You will have an opportunity to work in a quiet academic environment with teacher assistance and supervision. Afterschool study sessions for mathematics and reading are held three days per week for one hour. You are expected to bring books, supplies, and assignments on which to focus for the entire hour. Details pertaining to dates and times for the program can be obtained from

the main office. BIKE RIDERS There is a bicycle rack provided if you ride your bike to school. It is located on the east side of the building near the exit by room A249. After parking your bike, be sure that it is secured with a lock attached to the rack. We require you to walk to your bicycle while on school property and we encourage you to wear a helmet while riding. BUS LOT PROCEDURES Buses are boarded in the bus loading area on the west side of the building. We expect you to exit the building from the gym breezeway and to board your bus immediately. If your bus has not arrived, wait on the sidewalk of the bus lot, behind the red line, in your pick- up area. If you do not ride a bus, you should be in the designated area for car riders or walkers and will be considered in violation of school rules if you are in another area without permission. Discipline consequences will result if you violate this school rule. You are not allowed to request permission to board a bus other than your normal means of transportation. CAFETERIA We have two lunch shifts for each grade. The following criteria must be observed in the cafeteria: 1. When you are dismissed to go to lunch, you are to report directly to the cafeteria. Use either serving area in the cafeteria. Make lines against the wall. Line cutting is not permitted. Only 5 students at one time will be allowed in the serving area. 2. Sit in your assigned location in the cafeteria. Tables and seats will be assigned by class. Seats should not be reserved for anyone. Students are to be seated and may not move from table to table. 3. If you bring your lunch, you may buy milk, ice cream and other a la carte items at the serving station in the center of the cafeteria. 4. Unless you have permission, no food is to be removed from the cafeteria and carried outside or back into any part of the building. 5. If you need to report to another area of the building to eat your lunch, please ask the cafeteria staff to put your food on a disposable tray so as not to remove the reusable tray from the cafeteria area. 6. DO NOT PUT CHEWING GUM ON THE TABLE!!!! When you have finished eating, all trash is to be emptied into the trach bin. 7. Before leaving your table, be sure your area is clean for the next group entering the cafeteria. 8. When lunch is over, you are to report directly to your class as you are dismissed. 9. Failure to cooperate with the above procedures will be handled in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Student Advisory Student Advisory is an educational support program If you need help improving academic performance, attendance and social relationships. You may be referred to Student Advisory through the following individuals: self, peer, parent, teacher, and/or administration. For additional information, contact the Guidance office. DAILY CYCLE The middle school operates on a six-day schedule. Days are identified as A, B, C, D, E, and F. Most classes will meet every day (A-F) or every other day (A, C, E or B, D, F). Days will always follow sequentially regardless of days missed for holidays, weather, etc. DETENTIONS If you are assigned an after-school detention, you are required to serve the detention. The detention slip must be signed by your parent/guardian and returned to the appropriate teacher. If you fail to stay for the assigned detention, the teacher will contact your parent/guardian and reassign the detention one time. If you fail to stay for the reassigned detention, further disciplinary action will result. DRESS CODE See the Dress Code in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct section. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices should be left at home. Cell phones are allowed at lunch time and before/after the school day only. Cell phones should not be out at any other time (hallways, classrooms). If you violate this rule your cell phone will be confiscated and placed in a lock box until a parent is contacted by administration. The school will not be responsible for replacing electronic devices if they are lost or stolen. We follow the Wicomico County Acceptable Use of Technology Policy. ENTERING AND EXITING THE BUILDING You may enter the building at 7:35 am. (7:15 if you are eating breakfast in the cafeteria). Prior to that time, walkers/riders enter on the east side of the building by the bike rack, Bus riders enter through the Gym, both groups go into the Gym and sit with your grade level until the bell rings. You are not to stand in the front or rear of the building. Staff members are on duty for your protection beginning at 7:15 am. You should not be on school property prior to that time. If you need to enter the building before 7:35 am at the request of a teacher, you must have a written permission slip from the teacher. No one will be allowed to enter the building early without written permission. At dismissal time, you are to leave the building quickly and quietly. You are not to remain in the building unless you are under the direct supervision of a teacher or administrator. Bus students report to the bus lot. Walkers are to leave the grounds quickly.

FIRE DRILLS Each classroom has a set of directions for leaving the building during a fire drill. These directions are posted by the exit door. Read these directions and learn what to do in the event of a drill or fire. When the bell sounds, move quickly and in an orderly manner towards the exit. Do not run. When outside the building, you should move with your class to a reasonable distance from the school and remain in single file with your class. You should return to the school with your teacher when signaled. If the fire bell rings at lunchtime, you should exit on the side of the cafeteria and move in an orderly manner outside. If the fire bell rings during class change, you are to exit the building at the nearest exit and locate the teacher of the class you were just dismissed from. Form a single file line with that class. GUIDANCE The guidance counselor(s) will assist you with problems related to academics, behavioral counseling, peer relationship problems and grade checks. Our counselor(s) will help you plan class schedules and guide you in the selection of courses. You may schedule appointments with a counselor before school, during lunch or after school. Please do not stop at the guidance office between classes without an appointment. HALLWAY RULES You are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. If you do not follow the rules you will be subject to disciplinary action. We ask that the following rules be followed: 1. No pushing, shoving, running, playing, hitting or harmful touching. 2. Use conversational/inside voices only. No loud voices or shouting. 3. Do not block the halls – no standing, stopping, or loitering. 4. Stay to the right of the hall for easy passing. 5. Move directly to your next class. 6. Do not go out of your designated area: a. If you are in the 6th grade, use Stair B (next to gym breezeway on 1st floor and in 6th grade hallway on 2nd floor) to move to all classes. b. If you are in the 7th grade, use Stair C to travel between the 2nd and 3rd floors and to travel to certain Unified Arts classes. Stair A is also used by 7th grade students to travel to other Unified Arts classes (art, gym, computer) c. If you are in the 8th grade, use Stair A or Stair E to travel from the 3rd floor to the 1st or 2nd floor for Unified Arts classes. You will use Stair G to travel to lunch. 7. If you fail to give your name to a questioning adult, you will be held accountable according to our code of conduct. 8. You should NOT use the stairway in front of the main office, between the 1st and 2nd floors. HEALTH SERVICES Periodically you may need to take medication during the school day. You must have a PHYSICIAN'S MEDICATION ORDER FORM filled out by the doctor prescribing the drug and a copy of this form must be on file with the nurse. This includes all over the counter and prescription medications. Medication must be brought to school by an adult and signed in before it can be administered to the student. If a student brings medications to school, they will be confiscated, and your parent/guardian will be notified. HOMEWORK Homework is necessary if you are to get the most out of your classwork. It is a good idea to review work covered that day in each class and to check carefully to see that your assigned work for the next day is complete. We believe that schoolwork is so important that it is worth doing correctly, and this takes time, interest, and effort. If you are out of school for two (2) or more days because of illness, your parent may call the school and ask that your work and books be collected. Your parent or some other designee should pick up the homework and you will return it in a timely manner, in accordance with the Wicomico County Attendance Policy. Course work may also be accessed and submitted through each section’s Google Classroom. CELL PHONE Students please do not use your cell phone during any classes. Cell phone use is only permitted at lunch. County Policy: Inappropriate Use of Personal Electronics6 (802) *Having out a personal electronic device after student has been warned *Persistently having out a personal electronic device in defiance of school rules. LOCKERS We will not utilize hallway lockers. Lockers in the gymnasium locker rooms may be secured by any lock that you provide from home. We do not permit you to remove locks from the school lockers to apply to gymnasium lockers, even temporarily. Maryland State law states, “Every principal, vice principal or authorized security officer of a public school may conduct a search of the physical plant of a school and every appurtenance thereof, including students’ lockers.” MEDIA CENTER Books may be signed out from the Media Center for a period of time. If the books are not returned on or before the date they are due, you will be fined each day beyond the due date. When the overdue book is returned, the fine no longer accumulates. If a book is lost, you will be charged the replacement cost of the book. Also, a fee will be charged for any damages to library books. The cost of books is very expensive, so great care should be exercised in handling the books. No book is to be taken out of the media center until media personnel have properly checked it out. Violation or abuse of media center procedures will result in the loss of media privileges.

Users of computers/technology in the media center are to adhere to the Wicomico County Board of Education technology policy. Violators could lose computer privileges for an extended period of time. OFFICE VISITS We will not permit you to visit the main/guidance/nurse’s offices without a pass from your teacher. You are encouraged not to stop in either office between classes. Use of office telephones will be on an emergency basis only, to be determined by office staff. SCHOOL MESSENGER In an effort to increase our capacity to communicate with families, we will send regular messages to your parents’/guardians’ main phone line or email address prepared by the principal or his/her designee. This may be a reminder message concerning PTA or other event, or we may indicate that report cards will be coming home. It is important that we have an accurate contact number and email address on file so that families will receive these messages. PARENT PORTAL We will provide for your parents/guardians an opportunity to peek into your grades through the Parent Portal capacity of our student information management system. Your parents/guardians will need to include an active phone number on the student information form to access the system as we encourage them to view your grade book. PBIS Warrior PRIDE (Prepared, Respectful, Involved, Determined, Everyday) is our school Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program motto. This is a school-wide program that supports and rewards positive behaviors when students are caught making good choices by giving points through a system we use called Class DOJO. These DOJO points are used to purchase various incentives throughout the year, such as survivor store, basketball tournaments, movies, assemblies and more. We target specific behaviors occasionally and reward accordingly. Our school-wide rules are posted throughout the school outlining expectations. PRINCIPAL’S NEWSLETTER We send home the principal’s newsletter monthly, via Thrillshare app, to inform you and your parents about special programs, activities and upcoming events. Please take time to read the newsletter as it is an excellent communication link between school and home. SCHOOL OFFICE The school office is located on the first floor, directly in front of the main entrance to the building. The principal, assistant principals, and office staff members are there to help you with any problems you may have. It is here you may get the following help: 1. Signing in/out when you are arriving late or leaving early. 2. Answers to questions about school policy. 3. Help with problems involving discipline. 4. Information about lockers. Telephone messages for you will be given only in emergency situations. SCHOOL FUNCTIONS Middle School Participation Criteria The following criteria will be in place for all Wicomico County Public Schools middle schools with regard to criteria for attendance at all school functions: GPA— 2.0 requirement per county policy CONDUCT—no Out of School Suspension (OSS) days served during the semester in which the activity occurs in addition to county requirements for exclusion based on cumulative OSS days ATTENDANCE—no more than 2 unexcused absences from the time of the last activity (from the time of the first day of school with regard to the first activity of the school year) GUESTS—no guests allowed from outside the school When you are participating in any activity sponsored by the school, you will be under direct supervision of a member of the school staff and chaperones in charge. You are expected to be well behaved and act in a respectful manner at all times. If you do not cooperate, you are subject to exclusion from future school functions. SKATEBOARDS Leave your skateboards, skates, rollerblades, roller shoes and any other wheeled contraptions at home. SPORTS Extracurricular sports are offered throughout the school year and may include cross country, boys’ and girls’ soccer, flag football, boys’ and girls’ basketball and track and field. The same participation criteria that apply for other school functions – GPA, conduct, attendance, and guests – also apply to sports. TARDINESS Tardiness is in two (2) categories--lateness to class and lateness to school. The time provided between classes, 4 minutes, is the maximum time required for reporting to the next class. You are encouraged to report to class in less time, be seated and wait for class to begin. If you are late to class, the teacher will handle your lateness according to county policy as indicated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. If you are late to school, you are to report to the main office or designated place and receive a GENERAL USE SLIP to report to class. The office, in accordance with the Wicomico County Code of Conduct, will handle this lateness.

TEXTBOOKS All textbooks are the property of and paid for by the Board of Education. These books are issued to you for your use. Once issued to you, the book(s) become your responsibility. You should take good care of these books and keep them covered at all times. Fines will be charged by the classroom teacher for damaged or lost textbooks. Price lists on all books are maintained in the main office. The lost textbook must be paid for before you will be issued a new one. VISITORS We welcome visitors to our wonderful school! ALL visitors MUST enter our secured vestibule entrance and visit the school reception area with proper I.D. before going to any location in the building. This procedure is designed to protect the children and staff. Please follow the procedure at all times. WICOMICO MIDDLE SCHOOL’S SCHOOL WIDE RULES 1. Respect yourself and others. Keep your hands, feet, negative words, and objects to yourself. 2. Be on time. Be in your seat and ready for class before the bell rings. 3. Raise your hand to speak. 4. Stay in the room once you enter. 5. Follow directions when given. 6. Carry your agenda to every class. 7. Code of Conduct will be followed strictly and consistently. Reading Inventory (RI) Keep track of your progress on the chart below and set reasonable goals for each time you take the RI. Date Score Next Goal At the end of each RI session, you will be shown a list of recommended books for you to read. Use the chart below to keep track of the books you read this year. Books I Have Read Title Author # of pgs. Comments

Reading/Math Assessment Notes