Salisbury Middle School Handbook 2023-2024

EARLY DISMISSAL If a student needs to be dismissed early from school, they should bring a note from a parent or guardian. The student must be signed out by the adult who is authorized to pick him/her up. The school cannot release a student to someone who is not on the student’s emergency contacts. FIRE DRILLS 1. Each classroom teacher is responsible for instructing every class in the procedures for evacuating that room. Instructions will be posted in each room. 2. Move as quickly as possible without running. Move a reasonable distance from the school. 3. Remain silent in single file while waiting for the bell to signal you back to your room. 4. If a fire drill occurs while a student is at lunch, the student is to exit to the front of the building. and join the class with which he came to lunch. 5. If a fire drill occurs during the changing of classes, students are to leave the building by the most direct route to the front of the building and wait quietly for instructions from school staff. GUIDANCE Guidance counselors will assist students with problems related to academic guidance, behavioral counseling, peer relationship problems and grade checks. Our counselors will help students plan class schedules and guide in the selection of courses. Students may schedule appointments with a counselor or social worker before school, during lunch or after school. Our social worker is available to provide services to students to enhance their emotional well-being and improve their academic performance. HALL PASSES Students are required to have a pass any time they are in the hallway during class time. Sharing of passes is not permitted. HALLWAY RULES Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. Students who do not follow the rules will be subject to disciplinary action. We ask that the following rules be followed: 1. No pushing, shoving, running, playing, hitting or harmful touching. 2. Use conversational voices only. No loud voices or shouting. 3. Do not block the halls--no standing, stopping, or loitering. 4. Stay to the right of the hall for easy passing. 5. Move directly to class. 6. Students who fail to give their name to the questioning adult will face disciplinary action. HEALTH SERVICES Students becoming ill during the school day should be seen by the school nurse. A student must have a hallway pass from a teacher to go to the nurse’s office. If there is a necessity to go home, the nurse will inform the parents and the student will be released from school after signing the “out” book in the main office. Students may not use cell phones in the nurse’s suite unless the nurse has requested the student to contact their parents using their phone. Periodically you may need to take medication during the school day. You must have a PHYSICIAN'S MEDICATION ORDER FORM filled out by the doctor prescribing the drug and a copy of this form must be on file with the nurse. This includes all over the counter and prescription medications. Medication must be brought to school by an adult and signed in before it can be