Parkside High School Student Handbook 2023-2024

8 Academics Academic Dishonesty – AKA “cheating” Teachers need to be able to assess students in order to ensure that they will graduate College and Career Ready. When a student turns in work that is not their own, the process of monitoring students’ preparedness is undermined. At Parkside, cheating includes but is not limited to:  copying or paraphrasing all or part of someone else’s work  allowing others to copy or paraphrase your work  working together without teacher approval  using unauthorized electronic devices during an assessment  copying from the Internet or other source without crediting the source  attempting to communicate or receive information during an assessment  looking at someone else’s test, quiz or exam while testing  asking or paying someone to complete work for you  giving or selling work for someone to submit as their own work  cheat sheets on paper, your person, etc.  misrepresenting/falsifying data  obtaining/looking at a test before it’s given Per WCPS policy, Parkside High School will intervene when students are not submitting their own work. Please help us ensure you and your classmates are College and Career Ready by always practicing academic honesty. After-School Tutoring Tutoring and enrichment opportunities are available in most subjects. More information about these programs can be found on WRAM news, Parkside social media posts and the PHS Guidance Department once the school year starts. Graduation Requirements The state of Maryland authorizes one diploma for all high school graduates, based upon successful fulfillment of four categories of requirements: enrollment, course credit, student service learning (SSL), and Maryland assessments. Students must satisfactorily complete four years beyond Grade 8 to meet the enrollment requirement. All other requirements are summarized on page 1 of the WCPS High School Course Catalog 2023-2024. Please meet with your school counselor for further information. Guidance Department Guidance services include, but are not limited to, assistance with academics, behavioral counseling, career planning, college applications, peer interactions, scholarships, transcript requests and work permits. Mrs. Maynard ~ Guidance Secretary 410-677-5107 Mrs. R. Riggin ~ Guidance Administrative Assistant Mrs. Hughes ~ CTE Guidance Mrs. Podlaszewski ~ Counselor for 9th Grade Students Mrs. Collins Counselor Last Names A-F 10th – 12th graders Mrs. E. Riggin Counselor Last Names G-O 10th – 12th graders Mrs. Griffin Counselor Last Names P-Z 10th – 12th graders Mrs. Sprankle ~ Student Advisor Mrs. Kearns ~ School Social Worker Mid-Term Progress Reports & Report Cards • Progress Reports/Report Cards will be published in the X2 Family Portal on the designated days. Success In the Herd