East Salisbury Student Handbook 2023-2024

CAFETERIA SERVICES BREAKFAST- A free breakfast is served db raei laykffraosmt a8n: 4d 5l uAnMc ht oe s9 :a1r5e ApMo s. t Me de nouns tfhoer Wb eCsBe Or vEe. Od Ro nG aw9e0b- ms i ti en. u t Be rdeeal ka yf aesdt owp iel ln innogt. LUNCH- All students will receive a free ll uu nn cc hh ., mTahyo speu rwc hhaos ep rme fi el kr at on db irci ne gc rtehaemi r smeipnaurtaetse l lyo. nTg h. e Al ul nac hc ap retrei oidt ei ms tsh iarrt ey (a3l s0o) offered for purchase. PERSONAL DATA FORMS aPlel rps oa rneanl tds a/ tgau af or rdmi asn swai ltl tbhee sbeengt i nh no mi n eg toof teha ec hs c hpoaorle ynet /a gr .u aTrhdei sa en f owr mi t sh wui lpl -pt roo- dv iadt ee ea mteorogle nf oc yr i npfaorremn at /t igouna. r dT ihaen fso rtmo s uwsiel l bi ne es cmheorogl eynecayr . sEi taucaht i po na rse n tt h/ gr ou ua gr dhioaunt mtuhset ci nocml updl ei nt eg t heea fcrho n tf oa rnmd b ai cnk oift se a cehnsthi reeetty. Dh euael t ht o atnhde si ma fpe ot yr,t a na lcl e f oorf myso umr ucsht i l db’es at hpep roof fpi cr iea tset al yf f f ipl eedr saonndn reel .a dTi lhye acvoami l apbl el et et do pinacgleusdeotfhtehefolploewrsionnga:l data forms should • Pa lat reer nn ta/t ge upahrodni aenn’ suhmobme er sa n d • Np earms oenasnodf nc uo mn tba ec tr tohf aatti lselaesgtatlwl yo responsible for the child • Home and work address Ad al lt ai nf foorrmm ai st icornu crieacl oi nr dtehde icna steh eo f pae cr hs oi lnda’ sl injury or illness during the school year. It to i s ei na cf ohrpma r e nt ht /eg u aarddmi ainn’ iss rt reastpi voen s i bsitl iatfyf icmh iml de’ sd i ha teeallyt hi f tsht ea rt ue sa. r e Iann yt hceh aenvgeensti notfh ea cr ehsatnr gi cet iionnhse aolrt hl ismt ai tt ua tsi, opnl se aps er ei snccrl iubdeed a nb yy the health care professional. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Es cahcoho l p aorfef inc te/ gpuearrsdoi na nn e lm iums tm endoitai ftye l yt hief tnhuemr eb eirss a( i ncchl au nd gi ne g i cne l al dpdhroenses nour mpbheor ns )e. Ea nnds uurpi ntgo dt haat et wa lil l li ne nf oarbml ea tt hi oens ci sh oaoclctuor aa tcet aacnceomrdeirnggelyncayn. d efficiently in the event of TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL Te ahceh spcahroeonl t /ogf fui ac er dpi aenr swo ni t nh eiln iwt iial ll tprraonvsifde er innefwo r smc ahtoi oo lni f ttoh ea scshiisl td ii ns t roebgei sttrearni nsgf e rarte da oErlemhaesntawriythSdcrhaowoln. from East Salisbury CURRICULUM Ei nasst tr uScat li iosnb u ri ny ERl ee amdei nn gt a, r yL aSncghuoaogl e o fAf er rt ss (SWc i er int ci ne g, S, Eo cnigalli sSht u, adni eds H, Aarnt d, Mwur istiicn, gP)h, yMsai ct ahl, Es tduudceant ti os nr e, caeni dv eMc oe md i pa ustkeirl lisn. s tIrnu catdi odni t ai onnd, gInuiodradnecretionsmtreuectttihoen.needs of all students, tBhaen fdo, l l o wC hi nogr upsr, o g rGa umi ds aanr ec ea, l s o Oarvcahi el asbt rl ea :, Reading and Math intervention, sr ec ha do oi nl wg , isdpee Te ci thl e, aI nmd aotchc, us pc ha toi oo lnwa il dt eh eTriat lpeyI.