East Salisbury Student Handbook 2023-2024

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2023 – 2024 S1a2l i0s 1b uOrl yd, OMcaeraynl aCni dt y2R1o8a0d4 T e l eFpahxo: n4e1: 04- 61707- 6- 57877- 528 0 3 WELCOME WW ee l hc oo mp ee yt oo uErassttaSyahl iesrbeu wr yi lEl lbeemeennj ot ayraybSl ec ha onodl .e dWuec aatri eo npal el . a sTehdi st op ahraevnet -ysot uu daet notuhrasncdhbooool . k wo pi lel rhaet il op nysoouf boeucrosmc he of ao ml . iPl ilaera ws ei trhe vpioe lwi c itehse ai nn df opr mr oactei do nu raensdr eulsaet et dh itsobtohoekdl eatya- tsoa- draeyf e r e n c e throughout the year. Call the number above for additional information. This Student Handbook belongs to: NA da md ree:s_s_: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CP iht oy n: _e_: __________________________________________ S tHa toem: _e_r_o_ _o_m_ _ _T_ _e_a_c_ h_ eZri p: _: ___________________________________________ _ _ _ East Salisbury School Maria Wright Principal Keoshia Chaibou Assistant Principal DPe aanmoefl aS St ul addeen t s

MISSION STATEMENT OF EAST SALISBURY SCHOOL Tp rhoevmi dies s ai ol ln sotfuEd ae sntt sS atlhi seb uorpypSocrht uonoilt iys tt oo dt heevme l otpo amc aede te mt hi ce sckhial llsl e nt hgaets wo fi l la ne neavbel er changing and complex society. BELIEFS • All children can learn. • Et oa cr ehascthu dhei sn/thsehrofuulldl pboet cehnat il al el .n g e d • Ti nhcel uddi ivnegr shi it sy/ oh fe er aucnhi qi nude i va inddu a l , irnenspateectcehda.racteristics, should be • Schtuadlleenntgsinsghocuolndteenxtpaenridenaccehieve high standards. • Eb oa cdhy sotfukdneonwt sl ehdoguel da na dc qau si reet ao fc o r e definable skills. • VC oa luunetsy aBdooaprtde do fbEydtuhcea Wt i oi cnosmh iocuol d be reinforced. • Fi navmo il lvieems aenndt schoomuml dubnei twy e l c o m e d and encouraged. • Cs cohnot oi nl ’us apl eervf ao lruma taino cnes sohf oouul rd b e me f fai dc iee nt ot ed ne sl iuv reer yt hoef eh fi fgehc -t qi vuea lai nt yd education. PHILOSOPHY Ee xaps te c t aStailoi snbs uf royr a l Sl toauf rf s tmu daei nnttas i, nsst a f f haing hd pg raor we nt ths . a nBda sdeedvoe nl o op umr eknnt oawnlde dpghei loofs oc hp ihl dy at E 1 a . st Salisbury, we expect parents to: Ss cuhpopool ritnyao up ro sc iht ii lvde’ sa tneda cohpeern a n d 2. m C p o l a e m n as n m u e u r r e n . si cwa ti tehpsrcohbol eoml psear ns odn n e l athnedparsosbislteminss.eeking solutions to 3. Cmoonnftehrlwy.ith your child’s teacher(s) 4. Spuo pl i pc ioerst aanl lds rcehgouollaat inodn cs o. u n t y 5. Love and support your child. SCHOOL SERVICES Aa ltl Es St uS d, tehnet ss. c hTohoel rdeo iosr sn oo pseunp 8e r: 4v 5i s iAoMn ff oo rr sSttuuddeennttss s haorurilvdi nagrri vbe enfoorlea t e rt htihsa n t9i m: 1e5. As tMu d, eonr tt h sehyowu li dl l baer cr iovnes i daef treerd t9a:r1d5y . AI fMa, hI fea/ ssht ue dsehnotu il sd troe pgoor th ot omteh ea odf iffi fceer feinr st tw. a y tshhaonu lhde /bseh esaernrti vteod , tahne o tt ee ai nc hdei cra. t i nIgf tthhies sbteu ds he no twi ns at ob ut sh er i dderri v, tehr e. nIof t ae sdheocui sl di o anl sios my oaud em aayf t ef ar x t ht hee cnhoi ltde ’ st oa (r 4r i1v0a -l 6t7o7 -s5c8h7o2o )l ;. Nc hoa nt eg leesp ht oo nter acnasl pl so rwt ai ltli obne caacnc e bpet e dm. aNd oe aCfhtielrdr2e:3n0wPhMo.must leave school during the sa cnhdo oslhdoauyl da rbe et opbi cr iknegd a unpo t ea tt ot ht hea ts ec hf foe oc tl oY fof ui c ew ibl ly nteheed pt oa rsei ng nt oy ro uaru ct hh oi l rdi zoeudt aa td tuhl te. window.

CAFETERIA SERVICES BREAKFAST- A free breakfast is served db raei laykffraosmt a8n: 4d 5l uAnMc ht oe s9 :a1r5e ApMo s. t Me de nouns tfhoer Wb eCsBe Or vEe. Od Ro nG aw9e0b- ms i ti en. u t Be rdeeal ka yf aesdt owp iel ln innogt. LUNCH- All students will receive a free ll uu nn cc hh ., mTahyo speu rwc hhaos ep rme fi el kr at on db irci ne gc rtehaemi r smeipnaurtaetse l lyo. nTg h. e Al ul nac hc ap retrei oidt ei ms tsh iarrt ey (a3l s0o) offered for purchase. PERSONAL DATA FORMS aPlel rps oa rneanl tds a/ tgau af or rdmi asn swai ltl tbhee sbeengt i nh no mi n eg toof teha ec hs c hpoaorle ynet /a gr .u aTrhdei sa en f owr mi t sh wui lpl -pt roo- dv iadt ee ea mteorogle nf oc yr i npfaorremn at /t igouna. r dT ihaen fso rtmo s uwsiel l bi ne es cmheorogl eynecayr . sEi taucaht i po na rse n tt h/ gr ou ua gr dhioaunt mtuhset ci nocml updl ei nt eg t heea fcrho n tf oa rnmd b ai cnk oift se a cehnsthi reeetty. Dh euael t ht o atnhde si ma fpe ot yr,t a na lcl e f oorf myso umr ucsht i l db’es at hpep roof fpi cr iea tset al yf f f ipl eedr saonndn reel .a dTi lhye acvoami l apbl el et et do pinacgleusdeotfhtehefolploewrsionnga:l data forms should • Pa lat reer nn ta/t ge upahrodni aenn’ suhmobme er sa n d • Np earms oenasnodf nc uo mn tba ec tr tohf aatti lselaesgtatlwl yo responsible for the child • Home and work address Ad al lt ai nf foorrmm ai st icornu crieacl oi nr dtehde icna steh eo f pae cr hs oi lnda’ sl injury or illness during the school year. It to i s ei na cf ohrpma r e nt ht /eg u aarddmi ainn’ iss rt reastpi voen s i bsitl iatfyf icmh iml de’ sd i ha teeallyt hi f tsht ea rt ue sa. r e Iann yt hceh aenvgeensti notfh ea cr ehsatnr gi cet iionnhse aolrt hl ismt ai tt ua tsi, opnl se aps er ei snccrl iubdeed a nb yy the health care professional. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Es cahcoho l p aorfef inc te/ gpuearrsdoi na nn e lm iums tm endoitai ftye l yt hief tnhuemr eb eirss a( i ncchl au nd gi ne g i cne l al dpdhroenses nour mpbheor ns )e. Ea nnds uurpi ntgo dt haat et wa lil l li ne nf oarbml ea tt hi oens ci sh oaoclctuor aa tcet aacnceomrdeirnggelyncayn. d efficiently in the event of TRANSFER/WITHDRAWAL Te ahceh spcahroeonl t /ogf fui ac er dpi aenr swo ni t nh eiln iwt iial ll tprraonvsifde er innefwo r smc ahtoi oo lni f ttoh ea scshiisl td ii ns t roebgei sttrearni nsgf e rarte da oErlemhaesntawriythSdcrhaowoln. from East Salisbury CURRICULUM Ei nasst tr uScat li iosnb u ri ny ERl ee amdei nn gt a, r yL aSncghuoaogl e o fAf er rt ss (SWc i er int ci ne g, S, Eo cnigalli sSht u, adni eds H, Aarnt d, Mwur istiicn, gP)h, yMsai ct ahl, Es tduudceant ti os nr e, caeni dv eMc oe md i pa ustkeirl lisn. s tIrnu catdi odni t ai onnd, gInuiodradnecretionsmtreuectttihoen.needs of all students, tBhaen fdo, l l o wC hi nogr upsr, o g rGa umi ds aanr ec ea, l s o Oarvcahi el asbt rl ea :, Reading and Math intervention, sr ec ha do oi nl wg , isdpee Te ci thl e, aI nmd aotchc, us pc ha toi oo lnwa il dt eh eTriat lpeyI.

RECOGNITION AWARDS Academic Achievement Attendance Band/Chorus Citizenship Physical Education Art SPECIAL EDUCATION REFERRALS As h or eufledr r able f oirn istpi aetceida l ewdhuecna t i oa n csheirlvdi c ei ss es cxhpoeor ile, ni sc iwn go r kdiinf fgi cfualrt yb eilno wa dg rj uasdtei nlge v et ol , at hnedr ei s mi sa ksi nu gf f imc i ienni tm acl opnrcoegrrne s sr,eogri swt ehr ee nd rdeisgaabrdliinnggconthdeitioenx. istence of possible Teachers should gather information from tchhei l df o’ sl l oc wu mi nugl astoi vu er c rees c: o wr do, r tke ss taimn gp lsecso, rtehse, pc ha irledn. t sT, hains di no ftohremr sattai of fnwshhoo uwl od r bk ewsi ht ha rt eh de wt hiet h s pt heec i aSlc heodoul c aMt iaonna gteema cehnet r Twe ahmo awni dl l gr eufiedrer at hl . eCtoema cphleert etdh rroeuf egrhr at hl feo sr tme ps smtaoyt bh ee sSuc hb omoilt tMe da nt oa gt he me pe rnitn cTi epaaml b, yotre aoct hh ee rr s s, tt ahfef mc hei lmd ’bselresa rwn ihnog adri fef i ckunlot iwe sl e. d g e a b l e o f t h e Parent/Guardians may submit a referral bthyewirriting a letter to the principal stating concerns and requesting pt essytci nhgo l o gsiuccahl , aesd u cs apteieocnha/l ,l a n gour a g eo t hoe rr occupational therapy assessments. The principal will review the referral and bc aesceo. m Ae fma me ei ltiianrg wo fi t ht h teh eS cshpoeocl i fIiEc sP oTfe tahme wpeilrlsobnes convened with the following attending: a building a( rdems oi nu irscter )a ttoera, c h et hr ,e t h es pcehciiladl’ s cel da us scraot oi omn teacher, and others deemed appropriate bt hyet hf ien aI El Pd eTcei saimo n. Tr ehgea IrEdPi nTgedaims pwo si li lt imo na koef the referral. WEDNESDAY FOLDERS Ea sascihg ns mt uednetn, t wniol ltbe sr i n gwhroi tmt eent h ebi ry w etehkeliyr tt eo a ck he ee rps , eaancdh opt ha er er ni mt /pg ou ratradni at ni n fionrf mo ramt ieodn. Wg r ae daesdk pt ha apte er as cbhu pt raer teunrtn/ gaunayrsdi iganne kdefeopr ma lsl or needed notes. CONFERENCES Ct eoancfheer re nocre bs y mt haey p ba ree nrte/qguueasrtdeida n bayt at nh ye time during the school year. If a pc ha irledn’ st /tgeuaacrhdeira, nh we /asnhtes mt oums t e ceot nwt ai tcht tt hh ee sacphpoooinl tmoefnfitc. e to arrange for an The teacher will either ca on n af ipr mp o it nh temt ei mn te ar et qau ems tuet du aol rl y r easgcrhe ee da bu ll ee time. If a parent/guardian requests a conference hwei /t hs ihne 2s hdoauyl ds . h ePal er a sfer o mc a l l t ht eh e t esac chhoeorl aisdmmaindies.tration immediately if no contact Parents/guardians should expect teachers tpoe r f oc romn taancct e rt he felme c t s wah ef ani l i nag gsrtauddee, nnt ’os homework, poor test scores, etc.

STUDENT INSURANCE At the beginning of each school year, pa cacriednetn/tg iunasrudriaanncse p oml iacyy f r opmu rac hr ea ps eu t a balne ca or em ma vearicl ai abl l fei r amn. dT wi noc loupdtei o tnhseo ff oc lol ov ewriangge: sccohvoeoral ger.e laInt e dt hea cecviednetnot sf aann da cc2id4e-nhtouart se ci thhoeorl ,p osltiuc yd.eAn tlsi n kwtooupl du r cbhea sceoivnesruerda nbc ye wNeilwl slbeetterp. rovided in the September FUND RAISERS Throughout the year various fundraising au cs teidv i tti oe s paurrec hhaesl ed . mTa ht eersiea l sf u, nedqsu iwp mi l le nb te, abnuddgperto.grams not provided by the country

WICOMICO COUNTY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS’ RULES AND GUIDELINES MISSION STATEMENT TP uh be l mi c i Ss cs hi oono ol Sf yt hs et eWm i icso tmo i pc or oCvoi du en tayl l ss teut doef ns tksi lal sn we dh ui ccha twi oi lnl aelnf aobulnedtahtei omn taon d a bc iet ci zoemn es irne sopuornssoi cbileet ay n. d p r o d u c t i v e AGENDA As tnu da eg ne nt dt oa bheacsobme ee ns upcrcoevsi sdfeudl itno shcehl op oel a. c h Ec aarcehf usltluydaenndt ma suksht irse/ahde rt h e i r a g e n d a palasroe.nts/guardians to read the agenda All students are expected to use the ac lgaesns de sa at on dr eacsosri gdni mn f eonr mt s .a tIitoanl sroe gs ae rrdv iensga s ah ocmo me .mI uf nt hi ci sa taigoennldi naki sb leotswt ,etehne sscchhooooll a n d op fafri ceen tp/egrus aorndni ea lnwt oi l lpausrkc ht ha es e a n e w o n e for the student. LATE OPENINGS/EARLY CLOSINGS Ai nntnhoeurnecgeuml aernstcshcooonl csecrhnei dn ug lae nwy i cl lhba en g e s ms t aa tdi eo nosn. tPhaer leoncta/lgruaadridoi aa nn sd mt eal ey vai lssi oo nc a l l 4a c1c0e-s6s7w7 -w5w1 0. w0 ifcoormai rc eocs oc hr doeodl s m. o regs s a g e o r . PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL, RADIO STATIONS, OR THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OFFICES REGARDING THESE CHANGES. ATTENDANCE Sa cc hh ioeovl eamt teenntd. aWn cee ai ss ki mt hpaot ryt oa un thteol ps tuusd e n t rbeyascchh ae nd du lmi nagi nt rt iapi ns , oduo rc taot rt eanpdpaoni cnet mg oe anlts, ea tncd. abtyt iamt t ee sn dwi hn eg ns cs hc ho oo ol el vi se nr yo td iany suens lsei os sn , tr he ea scohni l fdo irs t ihl le. aAb ns eont ec et hma tu isnt cbl eu ds ei gsntehde b y ar epqhuyi rs ei cdi aunp oo rn pt ha reesnt tu/dgeunatr’ ds iraent ui sr n t o school. ABSENCE FOR TRIPS It fo aa cfhaiml di liys ttroi pb,et ha eb sf oe nl l to wf r oi nmg spcrhoovoi sl i do un es , easptpalbyl.ished by the Board of Education, Wb ehci ol en isti di se rr ee cdoag nl ei gz ea dl rtehaastoan ttroi pb ceaanbnsoetn t ff rool lmo ws icnhgo coilr, ci tu ims sf et al tntcheast, nu on dpeurntiht iev e action and should be taken: 1. Ngiovteens tfoo rt haen yo faf ibcsee. n c e m u s t b e Those not received within 5 days of the absence will not be accepted. 2. Tpahreetnrtipsamnuctsitobneedw. ith family or be 3. Cwi irtchutmh es tpa rnicnecsi ps ahloiunl da dbvea dn icsec. u s s e d 4. Awlol rakr rsahnoguel md eb ne tms faodremwai kt hi ntgh ue p tsehaocuhl edrb( se) cpormi oprl et ot eadb ws ei nt hc ien aan d rsec ha sooonl .a bI tl ei stri me ceo ma f tme re nr edteudr nt hi nagt tthoe nu pu mwboerrk obfedeaqyus aal l tl oowt heed nt ou mmbaekre o f days of absence.

5. Te dh ue ctar ti ipo snha ol uv ladl uhea fvoer at hdee fsitnui dt ee n t involved. SCHOOL RULES 1. 2. G bW u u a s m l e k s i i. s nnhoatllawlloaywse. d at school or on 3. Tviodyeso, bgaalmlse, sraodrioans,yI-oPtohdesr, I-Pads, tehl eecst cr oh no iocl duenvl ei cses itsh ne yo taar lel obwe iendg i n uc us er rdi caus l up ma r twoi ft ht hteh ec l taesas cr ho eo rm’ s 4. p C ar e e e r ll mu n l o i a s t r s a i p o ll h n o o . w n eeds,iannsdchlaosoelr. pointers 5. As cnhi omoal ,l su anrl ee sns otthpe et rema ci ht teerdgiinv e s 6. p F b o e e h r u m a l v o is i r o s p r io r an o r f . e a nneo tl aanpgpuraogper iaant ed f o r onuort bleeaprneirnmgiettnevdi.ronment and will 7. Ga nuyn ,okt hn ei vreksi, nsdh aorf pwi enas pt rounmi ne nstcsh, oo or l iCsoadveiooflaCtoionnduofctW. icomico County 8. Gthoeoldavmaatonrnieerss. should be used in 9. Bb ei c ryicdl de se na nodn st kh ae t pe bl aoyagrrdo ua rned noort t o spildaec we da lokns .t hBei cryacclkess ps hr oovuilddebdew h i l e 10. P dsc r la h iv y o e i o n w l g i a , s y w i n o a r l s k p e i s n a s r g i k , o i o n n r . g r luont ni si nngoitn a n y 11. p Nfi e g o r h p m ti h n i y t g t s e , i ” d c i a s f l o p c r e o s r n a m t f a e i c t t t t y e , n r d e o . a t Fs e i o g v n h e s t n . i n “g p , l ay “vpi ol al ayt if oi gnh ot ifncgo, ”u annt yd obrusl lcyhi no og li s i n pbyolriceyp.oIrttiins gbaenttde/rotro tsaolklviengconflicts through them. CAFETERIA RULES 1. Gdiosopdlatyaebdle. manners should be 2. 3. QM ca u o f i e v e t e t e c r in i o a n a a v n n e o d r r s t d a h t e r i r o o l n y u g f i a s h s p t h h e i r e o m n s ei i s n r s v t i o i b n l t g e h . e 4. l S s i e t n u a e d t . s e/nttasbmlesu.st sit at assigned 5. Sletauvdeenyotsumr tuasbtleh.ave permission to 6. Saloldowaseodr. glass containers are NOT 7. Sqtuuiedtelnytws hmeunsdt ilirneectuepd.quickly and ASSEMBLY RULES 1. Orerqdueirrleyda.rrival and departure are 2. Rp reems ea ni nt astiiloe nn ,t udnulreisnsg t thhee pfrroemsetnhteataiuondireenqcuei.res response 3. Kcheaeiprshqaunidest.and feet still and 4. Aanpdplianutedravtatlsh.e appropriate times 5. Th ihs es ri ne gw, oi l rl bh eo ontoi nyge ul l inndge, rb ao no yi n g , circumstances. PLAYGROUND RULES 1. SWING SET  Sswit,indgosn. ot stand, on the  Dswoinnogts.push students in the  Do not jump out of the swings.  Dsiodenwotaytws.ist or swing  Osindleywoanyes.person may swing  Oa ntilmy eo.ne person may swing at

 Yhaonudms.ust hold on with both 2. JUMP ROPE  Jounml ypf or or pj uems apri en gt o. b e u s e d  No tug of war is permitted. 3. BATS AND BALLS (with teacher supervision)  Swt ha en nd yboe uh ianrde twh ea i bt iancgk ys tooupr turn.  Ousneldy.school softballs may be  No sliding is permitted.  Pwrhi mi f fal er yb ga rl lasdaensdmbaayt sp. l a y w i t h 4. SLIDE  Op enrl my oi tnt ee dp oe rnstohne astl iad tei mo ret ihse steps.  Sk int eoens , tbhaecskl ,i ds et o; md oa cnho, toursset a n d up.  Cc lliimmbb uupp tthhee ssltiedpesp; adrot .nSotta y a sl w id a e y . from the bottom of the  Wi t ; hs ei tnt i ynog uornt ut hr en tcoopmf eosr, at al ko en g time is not allowed.  Nalolotwoyesd, odnirtt,hsetisclkidse, .etc., are  Dsloidninogt pbloaayrdta.g or chase on the 5. KICK BALL  Kf riocmk i nwgi ri se st oa nbde df eonncee sa.w a y  Wyoautckhicfko.r fellow playmates as  As ovmo iedokniec’ksi fnagc ea obra lol tihne r b o d y areas and causing injury. 6. GENERAL There should be no:  Pp uh sy hs ii cnagl, coor npt ua cl lti ;npg l; agyy- mf i gnhatsi nt i gc ,s of enn tche e; pglraoyui nn gd ;ccl ol isme bt oi nsgt oo nn etsh, e trees, and shrubbery.  Ps ol ac yc ienr gwbi et ht wo ue te nd ipr eocr tt aabdlue lst; sbuapl les rtvoiws iaorndf ot hoet beal el lc; tkriicckwi ni rge s os troonveesrotrh oe tfheenrc eo :btj he cr ot swaitn g others. Do:  gbeuti lpdei nr mg ; ilsi snieo nu pt oqruei -ceknl yt earntdh e qb ul oi we tnl y; bwrhi negn itnh et hwe heiqsut liep ims e n t you take out. STUDENT HANDBOOK Yr eoaud wa inl ldrgeicveei vt eo ay oc uo rp yp aorf etnhti ss . CPolde ea steo kt hereopuigt haot uhtotmh ee yseoairt . c Iatni sb tehree f e r r e d t o guide of cboe nh saevqi ouresnoc cecsuurs. eAdnwohuet nl i ni ne aopf pCroodper si aut es e d for Grades 3-5 is found below. PC = Parent Conference, EXP = Expulsion Disciplinary Office Intermediate Grade 3-5 Physical Attack-Teacher/Staff or other Adults- Pe mh ypsliocyael ley oaft ttahceksi nc hgoaonl s y s t e m oa rstoatfhfemr eamdublet,rinwchluodising striking idnisterruvpetniviengacintivaitfiyg.ht or other Min. P C Max. EX P

Physical Attack on a Student- Wh i ti tl li fnugl loyraontdh eprhwy si si ceaal tl yt apcuk si nhgi n g , another student. PC EXP Verbal or Physical Threat to Teacher, Staff, or Other Adults- Tl ahnrgeuaat ge en ionrg goers taugrgerse sdsi irveec t e d taonwy oa nr de ao tsht ea rf f tmh aenmab setruodre n t . PC 3 days Verbal or Physical Threat to Student- Tl ahnrgeuaat ge en ionrg goers taugrgerse sdsi irveec t e d toward another student. PC d 3 a ys Fighting- Ai n vpohlyvsi incga lt wc oonof rromn toartei osnt u d e n t s . PC d a 5 y s Serious Bodily Injury- Sp ee rr isoouns tbhoadt iilnyvionljvuersy tthoearni sokt hoef r dl oenagt -ht,eerxmt raenmdeopbhvyi os iucsa l p a i n , dl oi ss sf i go ur ri emmp ea ni rtmo er nt ht eo fl oa nbgo- dt ei lrym mR eefme rbeenrc, eo Ur gDaEnAo ar tm2e0nUt a. Sl .aCb. i l i t y . 1 1 4 3 1 6 5 5 ( ( k h ) ) ( ( 7 3 ) ) ( . D) from 18 U.S.C. 5 day s EX P Sexual Assault- Pa nh oy tshi cearl ps ee rxsuoanl adtut ar icnkgosnc h o o l hsuopuprsorotredduarcitnivgiatyn.y school- da 5 y s EX P SCHOOL BUS RULES 1. Yc oonutrr bo lu os fdt rhi ev ebruhs aasnadb os of tl uh tee ce ox np de cutcetdotf ot hoobseey oyno ui tr. bYuosu darriev e r . 2. Ibf oyaorud ihnagv oe rt ol e ca rvoi ns sg tt hh ee rbouasd, Ww Ah eLnK IdNr i Fv eRrOcNa Tn Ot hFe Tn HwEa rBnU yS o. uY oo uf r dc raonsgsei nr .g Lt hoeo kr obaodt.h w a y s b e f o r e 3. Ef rnotnetr daonodr .l eTa hv ee tbhaec kb udso ob ry itshfeo r ei tme ex rc ge epnt ci ny uc asseeoonfl ye.mDeor gneontctyo. u c h 4. Bheoladrdintfhreonbtu.s with your backpack 5. P yo ro u m . ptly take a seat assigned to 6. Sh iatnf da cs i, nagr mf osr wa nadr dh. e Ka de ei np syi do eu rt h e wa ni nd dboewl o. nKg ienegps foe ue tt , ol ef gt hs ,ebaoi os lkes. , 7. 8. D H cl o e e l a n p n o y . tocuhredwr igvuemr koere epatthoenbtuhse b u s . 9. Swme aopk oi nngs, wp ri lol f na on te bl ae nt goul eargaet , eadn odn/ o r 10. t O p h e r e r d m b in u i a s s r s . y i bcloe.nversation is COUNTY SCHOOL BUS DISCIPLINE POLICY Sr ut ul edsewn tisl l wb eh od ifsaci li pt ol i naebdi d. eBbuys tdhrei vbeur ss h a v e tt hh ee rbiugsh tf otro as upseprei ondd oaf sotnued ednaty f. rTo mh e r i d i n g ps trui ndceinptasl faonrda dv idciet ipo rnianlcdi paaylsm. a y s u s p e n d Psuasrpenentss/iognuas.rdians will be notified of TfohlleoSwcsh:ool Bus Discipline Policy is as 1st Offense: Referral to the pd ri si nc rcei pt iaoln’ s ooff ftihcee .pDr iinscciippal ilnoer a t t h e designee. 2nd Offense: Referral to the pd ri si nc rcei pt iaoln’ s ooff ftihcee .pDr iinscciippal ilnoer a t t h e designee.

3rd Offense: Referral to the TwriathnstphoerStuatpieornvOisfofircoef. Conference Ts truadnesnpto(rat antdi odnr,i vpearr,einf td, eaenmd e d nr eemc eosvseadr yf)r.o Tmhtehset ub du es nutnwt iil l al b e satisfactory conference is held. 4th Offense: Automatic 30 school days off the bus. 5th Offense: Automatic removal ftrhoemscthhoeobl uyseafor.r the remainder of TELEPHONE USE Ss ct uh do eo nl pt shaornee n. oI ft apne remmi et tregde nt oc yu as er i st he es , os cf fhi coeo lpoefrfsi coen. nRe el awsiol lnms af okre ctahl el s cvaal lr yi nf rt ho em scci rhcouoml st ot asnccheoso. l , d e p e nd i n g o n TEXTBOOK COVERS TE dh eu csat ut ido enni ts pt hoal itc tyeoxft bt hoeo kBsosahr oduol fd b e pt hr eo pb eorol ky sc. a Tr ehde fsot ru dt oe np tr owl oi l nl bg et hc eh al irf ge eodf for damaged and/or lost textbooks. MEDICATION Ah ol lmp er eospcartihpitci oann, do vheerr-btahlemc oe ud ni ctaetri ,o n s t o bp ee rgsiovne na uatthsocrhioz oe dl mt oups tr ebsecor irbdee r e d b y a mr e eqduiicr ae tdi of no .r eWa rc iht tme ne dp iacraet ni ot an l oc rodnesreendt . i s Tn ehwe pparreesnc tr imp tui os tn g, ei vxec et hp et ffoi rrs et md oesr eg eonf cayn y mp reeds iccrai pt itoi on ns sc uo cnht aai sn eErP sI -hPoeunl d. Ta hc ceoomr ipgai nn ay l ablrlomugehdtictaotisocnhso.oMl edications should be by the parent or responsible adult. Children are NOT to tCrhainl ds rpeonr tamr eeadliscoa tni oo nt ttoo koerefpr omme ds ci chaotoi ol .n iAnl lt mh eei dr ipc oa st isoens smi ouns td bu er i sntgo tr he ed si nc hl oo oc kl edda y . ct ha eb ipnaerte. nAt l ol mr reedsipc oa nt isoinb lneoatdpui lctkwe di l lubpeb y dd iastpe oosre ad t ot fhoe neen wd eoef kt haef tsecrhtohoel eyxepa irr. a t i o n Wm ehdeinc at ht ieo nn,uar st reaiisnue nd adbel sei gt on aatdemd isncihs toeorl a smt aefdf ipc ae trisoonn. wI f iml l aodr emdi ne itsatiel ri st hn ee e d e d rneugras redsi hn og ut lhde bs ee gc uo indseul li tneeds., t h e s c h o o l LOST ITEMS Lf oousnt di t”eemxsc eapr et fpolra cj eewd ei nl r yt h, we “altocshteasn, d ek ye ep gt lians st he se , secthc .o oTlhoefsf iec es m. Aa lt l tiht ee me ns da roef ebaecdhosncahtoeodl tyoeaarc,hitaermitys. not claimed will EMERGENCY DRILLS Rs teugduel na rt ’ se mp reortgeecnt icoynd. rWi l l hs eanr et hhee lf di r ef obr et lhl e rdiinr ge sc toi or ncso dy oe ui sr at enancohuenr cheads, pf orlal oc twi c tehde we mi tehrygoe un .c yI fi st haenfni roeu bn ec el ldr iwn hg se,notrhteh e ss tt uu dd ee nn tt ims ui ns tt hl eeahv ea ltl wh ea yb uoirl deilns ge wb yh et hr ee, t h e nwehaor ews it l le hx iet l pa nt dh eg os t tuod tehnet ng ee at rt eo sht i as d/ hu el tr, class.

DRESS CODE Ap rsi dt uedaenndt ’ sr easpppeec at rf ao nr csee lsf haonudl df orre fslcehc ot o l . Aa tnt ey nt tyipoen ot of at thtei rwe ewahr iecrh, iast tt or ar cnt sa nudn d u e ri na gpgoeodr, tuans st ae f ae n, od rncoatuas cecseap tdai bs tl ue .r bAal nl c e , i s st ht ue dmesnetlsv es hs onueladt lgyr iono imt e amnsdt dh ra et sasr e sc uo si tma beltei cfso or rs cnhaoi lopl oa lcitsihv ist hi eosu. l Nd ob e w o r n oTrhebrfooullgohwtintogstcyhpoeoslo. f clothing are unacceptable: • Halter tops • Midriff shirts • See-through blouses • Large armhole blouses/shirts • Eyelet or fishnet shirts • Tank tops • Very short shorts or skirts • Thong shoes and flip-flops • Hc oavt es ,r isnc ga sr ,veexs c, ea pn td f oo trhreerl ihgei oauds o r cultural reasons, inside the building. • Ta n- sdh/ior trsi nd ai spppl ar oy pi nrgi avt ue lpg iacrt,uorbe ss caennde/, o r writing • Se xa pg goisnegspkai nn tosr tuhna dt edrrgaagrtmh ee nf ltoso r o r • Phaicikrs or combs protruding from the • Bchraaisnsskonrukcekylechrianingss and distracting • Coats and jackets inside the building • Gang symbols • Sunglasses inside the building REPORT CARDS/MID-TERM PROGRESS REPORTS Rt i empeosr dt uc ar ri ndgs twhiel l sbc eh oaov la yi leaabrl .e Pi nl eXa2s ef o u r ec hn isl ud r’ se aycocuo ua nr et aa sb lpeatpoesri gc on pi ni etso ayroeunr o t ao vf fai ci lea bs tl ae f. f Calraes sarvoaoi lma btl ee atcohaesrssi satnwd /i tohr saes tsti isnt ag nucpe .y oI fuyroauc cwoius nh tt iof cyoonuf enreeendc e w i t h tt hh er otue ga hc heemr , api ll ,eCa lsaes rs eDa Oc hJ Ot hoer tbeya cc ha el l ri n g tt he ae cohfef irc he aasnrde lqeuaevsi nt egdaamc oe snsf ae gr een. cI ef ,t h e psclehaesdeuclealtlhoertsimened. a note in order to Each student will receive a progress rme aprokritnmg it de -r wmas y. tPhrroogur ge hs seraecphoor ft st hwei lf lobuer available through the X2 system as well. VISITORS Soop pt hoar ttutnhiet yo ftfoi coef fpi ceiraslol yn ng reel emt aayl l h a v e t h e pa raer eans tkse/dg ut oa rcdoima nest, oa ltlhpeasrcehnot /o gl uo af fri dc ei atnos rneogt ii sc tee trobtehf iosr ee f vf ei sc itt ii sn gp ot hs teesdc ho no oela. cAh eS nc ht roaonl sc .e Idnoaodr doift iWo ni ctooma il cl oowCionugnut ys t h e os cphpooorlt, ut nh ii tsyptool imc ye ep tr ov vi si idt eo sr sf ot or tohuer pp raor et enctt/i gounaor fdoi aunr ns teueddesnttos barni dn gs t a f f . I f a snoeme dest ht oi ncgotnof esrc hwoiot hl ftohret chheiilrdcdhui lrdi nogr t h e sa cs hk oe do l tdo arye, paol lr pt at or et nh tes o/ gf fui caer.d Ti ahnes oafrfei c e ppearrseonnt/ngeul awrdililabnewgliathd ato provide the “Visitor’s Pass” and/or assist in any other way.

FIELD TRIPS Fs ti ue ldde tnrtisp’ se ad ruec as ct ihoendaul lpe rdo ag sr apma r. t o f t h e Pp ae rr emni ts/sgi ouna rsdl iipa sn mb eufsotrbe es tsui gdneendt sbayr ae permitted to leave the school. MEDIA RELEASE Ts chheoroe l ayreeaor cwc ahseino ns st ut dh er on ut sg ha roeu itntvhoel v e d i n af acvt iovri at ibel se amn ed dei va e/ nn teswws ph ai cphe rr eccoevi ev re a g e . Wa c ec oamr ep pl i rs oh umde tnot ss ha as rwe es thuodpeen yt so’ u a r e . W e nc he iel dd ’ ys opui crt pu er er mo ri sssti aotne mt oesnhtas rwe iyt ohutrh e mdoendoiat. wPiltehastoe hseanvde yaonuortechtioldschool if you photographed for school events.