Beaver Run Elementary Student Handbook 2023-2024

1 Welcome to Beaver Run School! We are a proud Title I and Judy Center school! We serve approximately 700 PreK-Grade 2 students MISSION STATEMENT Bc oenafviedre nRt u, rne sSpcohnosoilb lwe ,i lsle lsft-rdi ivree cttoe dmaenedt lti hf eel oendgulceaatrinoenrasl. n e e d s o f a l l c h i l d r e n s o t h a t t h e y w i l l b e BELIEF STATEMENTS  BmeeaevtetrhReunneeSdchs ooof lawllicllhpilrdorveind.e a safe and orderly environment to promote an academic atmosphere that will  Aprsoumccoetesssfeullf-BgeraovwetrhR. un student will be able to recognize his/her academic and social strengths in order to  Achnaleleffnegcetisveallcslatussdreonotms toiswoonrek itno twhehiirchfuallepsot spiotitveentaiattli.tude and perception about learning motivates and  Aleaqrunailnitgypirnoscterusscttioonaaccl opmromgroadmateprtohveildeeasrnainvagrsietytyleos foof papllocrhtiuldnriteines. that actively engage the students in the  BageeanvceiresR.un will be an active partner with the Wicomico County Judy Center Partnership and other outside SCHOOL HOURS 8:45 A.M. School Building Opens 9:15 A.M. Classes Begin for all students 3:15 P.M. No students will be dismissed from the office past this time 3:45 P.M. Car rider Dismissal Begins 3:45 P.M. Bus Dismissal Begins 4:15 P.M. School Building Closes SIX DAY ROTATION CALENDAR SAcdhaoyo. l sTihneWl ai sc to lme ti tceor Cdoauynitny tahree csycchl ee druolteadt i oo nn ai s sFi xd- da ya .y Tr ohtias tpi or no gsrcehsesdi ounl ec. oTnht ienrue ef osrteh, rt oh ue gf hi ros ut td tahyeosf cshcohooloyl ewairl.l bI fet ahne lsaesnt dd ha oy ms teu di nefnotrsmaat tt ieonnd eddu rbi ne fgo trhe ea f hi ros lti dwaeye wk aosf sCc dh aoyo,l itthwa ti l wl bi lel ai nDf o- rdma yywo uh eanb ot huet ywrheitcuhr nd.a yYso yuor ucrh iclhdi’ lsdt ehaacshseprewc i ial ll classes such as physical education, art, music and media. PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) iPso as i tsiyvset eBme hs aavpi oprraolaIcnht eur sveedn ttioo nesnahna dn cSeu pt hpeo rctasp(aPcBi tIyS )oifs sac ph rooocl se stso f oe rd uc rceaat et i na gl l scahf ei l rd raennd bmyo ur et i el ifzf iencgt i vr ee ssecahroc ohl-sb. aPsBe IdS, sscuhpopoolrtwide, and classroom discipline systems. The process focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and positive behavior for all students. PBIS provides systems for schools to design, implement, and evaluate pe frfoeccet idvuer es cs haonodl pwr iodcee, scs leass isnr toeonmd ,e dn of onr- cal lal ssstruodoemn ,t sa, nadl l ss tt aufdf eanntdsapl el cs ief ti ct i ndgi ssc i p l i n e p l a n s . P B I S i n c l u d e s s c h o o l - w i d e . Beaver Run uses the “DOJO” system to reward students. More information may be found at Beaver Run CODE OF CONDUCT Expected behaviors are posted in all areas of the school.  Be Kind  Be Safe  Be Responsible Oi nnc eandt ai vi ley tbhaesyi sm, sut us td se anvt se wt hi el l dh ea sv ieg tnhaet eodp pn ou rmt ubne irt yo ft op eo ai nr tns “ tDoOaJ tOt e” npdo. i nOt sn. cI ef sdt uu rdienngt se awcohu lidn sl itkr eu ct ot i oa nt tael ncdy tchl ee smt uodnet hn lt ys can participate in school-wide incentives.